Travel, Travel App, Travel Experience, Travelogue, Trip, Wildlife, Blog


2 minutes read


When we travel to an adventurous place, a zillion thoughts rush through our minds, such as: 

“This place has got a lot to show!”

“I should have come here much earlier in my life”

“The food is tasty”

“Quality of life is so much better here”

“Rivers and roads are so clean” and many more.  

Well! It is quite difficult to remember all of them after the trip. To your wonders this difficulty can be solved, you can document them for life with the Explurger travel app. 

With Explurger, you can record all of your travel experiences and share the same with your friends and family. This app gives you the liberty to record and capture the best travel moments. There are many more features that will help you create a rich digital travel journal. 

Keep reading this blog to figure out where to start for creating your travel journal.

Why use a travel sharing app?

Instead of pulling around a heavy book, making notes, it makes perfect sense to use a travel sharing app. This app is specially designed to keep a track of all your adventures. 

 While a bunch of people is still into writing travel journals, we think travel-sharing apps are the way of the future. Here are the reasons why!

You’ll remember the smallest details too: 

Sometimes some of the biggest travel memories are not that big, they are the little ones. It’s the cafe you went to, the musicians you met while crossing paths, exchanging numbers because the dog you met there was way cuter than yours, or the vanity of your resort has won your heart. Those are the things that make your holidays worthy and memorable. Whether you’re traveling just for fun or work, creating memories is important. Explurger helps you capture these details. 

 You can share your travel story: 

Whether you want to share your story with a person, a group of people, or the entire globe, you can do all of it with Explurger. While many travelers share their vlogs on such apps because they want to help others on their trips. Nevertheless, sharing adventures and fun places through an app is way easier than sharing it otherwise. 

Your stories can help fellow travelers: 

Do you have a sheer count of the exact times a passerby asked you the name of the cafe, club, or pub you once visited and you forget the name of it? Or when your cousins and friends ask you about the name of the cafe you mentioned in your story because of its exotic food. And then if you can go back to your records and tell them the name of those cafes and clubs.

The new social media apps will help you remember all those significant details for which your friends and family will thank you later.

So what’s the wait for… Download Explurger today!

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