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What is Social media?

2 minutes read


Social media is a new-age communication medium with wide wings to spread influence over cities as well as remote areas. It is a part of the digital revolution where the internet has taken its base.

With the digital revolution, digital transformation has influenced businesses and made the world more accessible. New social media apps have changed the way one is used to communicating.

The internet and the latest social media apps give an array of benefits and opportunities to people who want to empower themselves in different ways. Interaction, developing connections, encouraging confidence and social skills are perks to get benefitted from. 

4 ways in which social media has helped:

  1. Keeps each other in contact 

Social media allows us to keep in contact with the known ones without any apprehensions. It helps people in getting a little glimpse of each other. 

Not every time, one could call or chat or video-chat everyone. To keep everyone connected, social media apps are the best games.

Putting a comment over an old pal’s photo or sharing memories with besties over social media apps could help in strengthening the bond. 

  1. Helps Campaigns 

Be it social campaigns or business campaigns, sharing it on social media acts like stirring a pot. Social media gives a big kickstart to any project or campaign. It gives a platform to post, talk about, share and generate an audience. 

  1. Helps Businesses 

Many entrepreneurs get their first mass action from social media. 

How does it work? More people, more eyes, more attention which will bring more business and profits. Even if someone is not taking the products or services, sharing the campaigns and posts helps the brand. 

Many conventional and big established brands use social media to garner viewership and popularity among the new generation with new marketing strategies. 

  1. Helps in spreading positivity and motivation 

There are lots of incidents that happen in a day, and we don’t pay attention to them. It is true that social media entails a few negative posts and comments, however, there is a range of positive and motivating communication too. When people share their positive stories, their tales about their motivating journey, it keeps others positive and unwinds them from the stress and negativity of their daily lives. 

Encouragement from strangers and memes brings a smile and a light-hearted touch to the daily lives. Social media like every other thing has both bad rapport and good 

rapport, it is just important to find the correct balance!

So what’s the wait for… Download Explurger today!


  1. Very nicely explained as we are moving into a virtual world where we can do all the things for the betterment of our daily business and reducing the gap between pals. Explurger has solved that purpose in a great way!

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