Meeting Like Minded People on Explurger

Vibe with your Tribe as you explore the world with Explurger


Made of a little magic and some pixie dust, humans (you and I) are engineered with the soul of the wanderer. We love to travel the world as we go on exploring the wild. We like meeting new people, just like ourselves, who are on the journey of a lifetime. Whether we plan a trip…
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Vibe with your Tribe as you explore the world with Explurger Read More »

Reason to travel with Explurger

5 Reasons to travel with Explurger


If you are a traveller like us, you must be really excited as several countries have started welcoming international tourists once again. And, you have the great responsibility of making up for all the travel you had to put on hold because of COVID. So, why aren’t you already packing? But, wait a minute! The…
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5 Reasons to travel with Explurger Read More »

Make your trip memorable with Explurger App

Make you trip memorable with this one simple app


‘One day baby, we’ll be old… Think of all the stories that we could have told’ Those popular lyrics have a tinge of regret in them. These lyrics are also a reminder to all of us: to live life to the fullest so that we don’t think of stories we could have told. Instead, to…
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Make you trip memorable with this one simple app Read More »

Set your bucket list

Saving all the destinations in your customized ‘Bucket List’ for post-COVID-19 Solo Trips


Who all thought that the world would end in2012? I guess, almost everyone believed in the predictions. But nothing happened! 2020 feels like that, doesn’t it? Well, life is full of optimism, and guess what, Coronavirus pandemic will be managed across the world and we’ll resume our plans of Solo Trips, road-trips with friends and…
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Saving all the destinations in your customized ‘Bucket List’ for post-COVID-19 Solo Trips Read More »

Why Explurger

Why is Explurger the new-age social media app for travellers?


Everyone loves to share their day socially, whether you go to a new cafe, a friend’s house, travel pictures, going to a different city or even a different country, we want to share each and everything with the world we have built on social media platforms. But what do we get by sharing it on…
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Why is Explurger the new-age social media app for travellers? Read More »

Learn about Explurger

Looking to know more about Explurger?


Explurger is the first-ever social media app for travellers, which is specifically designed to provide its users with a brand-new experience with a bunch of loaded features it offers. Stay connected for a few minutes to get a clear understanding of this new app. For all the social media fans, who love to check-in wherever…
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Looking to know more about Explurger? Read More »

Vocal for Local

A #VocalforLocal Initiative for the world to connect


India! The name itself exudes so many colours, so many smells, so many beautiful places to discover – right from the mountains of Himachal to the beaches of Goa or the backwaters of Kerala. There are umpteen places to travel in this country of eclectic beauty to, umpteen exciting vacays to take with friends, family,…
3 minutes read

A #VocalforLocal Initiative for the world to connect Read More »